Dr. Ganesh Ghimire is a Research Staff Scientist in the Water Resource Science and Engineering Group of the Environmental Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). His research at ORNL spans a broad range of water resources, including large-scale hydrologic modeling, flood simulation, streamflow (flood) forecasting, high-performance computing, extreme event analysis, uncertainty assessments, hydroclimate impact assessment, water-energy nexus, and ML/DL applications in surface hydrology. He is one of the creators of the CONUS-scale streamflow reanalysis (Dayflow), DayflowV2, CONUS-scale multi-model streamflow projections, Hydropower Energy Storage Capacity (HESC), and HESCV2 datasets. He is a PI and co-PI on multiple ORNL-led research projects funded by DOE and DOD. Beyond current efforts, Dr. Ghimire has research interests in remote sensing, data assimilation, and natural hazards. His Ph.D. dissertation on “Streamflow predictability across space and time scales” was awarded the prestigious Ballard and Seashore Ph.D. dissertation fellowship by the University of Iowa (UIowa) in 2020. He received the Dan Branson Fellowship from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UIowa in 2021. He is also actively involved in water resources research in the Central Himalayan Region through Water Research Group Nepal. Dr. Ghimire has frequently reviewed more than ten high-impact scientific/engineering journals and has been active in leading scientific sessions at AGU and AMS annual meetings, and many outreach activities over the past several years.

Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2021
Hydraulics and Water Resources, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dissertation: Predictability of Streamflow Across Space and Time Scales
M.S., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2016
Water Resources, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dissertation: Developing sediment transport and deposition prediction model of
the Lower Ohio River near the Olmstead locks and dam area
B.E., Tribhuvan University, 2009
Department of Civil Engineering, IOE, Pulchowk Campus
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Dr. Ghimire comes from the country of Mt. Everest and Lord Buddha, Nepal. Since his school days, he has been fascinated by the movement of water and its value to environmental sustainability. He believes this fascination eventually pushed him to understand its science and pursue a career in water resource engineering. He lives by the motto “There is more to life than just science.” In his spare time, he enjoys playing soccer, reading fiction, and traveling.