Journal Papers

[31] Ghimire, G.R., Kao, S.C., and Gangrade, S. 2024: Dayflow Version 2: Hourly Streamflow Reanalysis in the Conterminous United States Leveraging Multiple Gridded Precipitation Datasets. Water Resources Research (In review)

[30] Ghimire, G.R., Liu, Y., Jager, H., Gangrade, S., Kao, SC., Parish, E., and DeRolph, C. 2024: Integrated Modeling Quantifies the Economic Benefits of Planting Climate-Resilient Perennial Biomass Crops in Flood-prone Agricultural Landscapes. Journal of Flood Risk Management (In review)

[29] Broman, D., Voisin, N., Kao, S.C., Fernandez, A., and Ghimire, G.R.  2024: Multi-scale impacts of climate change on hydropower for long-term water-energy planning in the contiguous United States. Environmental Research Letters

[28] Turner, S.W.D., Ghimire, G.R., Hansen, C., Singh, D., and Kao, S.C. 2024: Hydropower capacity factors trending down in the United States. Nature Communications.  

[27] Bista, S., Baniya, R., Sharma, S., Ghimire, G.R., Panthi, J., Prajapati, R., Thapa, B.R., Talchabhadel, R. 2024: Hydrologic applicability of satellite precipitation estimates for irrigation water management in the data-scarce region. Journal of Hydrology.

[26] Baniya R., Regmi, R.K., Talchabhadel, R., Sharma, S., Panthi, J., Ghimire, G.R., Bista, S., Thapa, B.R., Pradhan, A.M.S., and Tamrakar, J. 2024: Integrated modeling for assessing climate change impacts on water resources and hydropower potential in the Himalayas. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

[25] Gangrade, S., Ghimire, G.R., Kao, S.C., Morales-Hernández, M., Tavakoly, A.A., Gutenson, J.L., Sparrow, K.H., Darkwah, G.K., Kalyanapu, A.J., and Follum, M.L. 2022: Unraveling 2021 Central Tennessee flood event using a hierarchical multi-model inundation modeling framework. Journal of Hydrology

[24] Baniya R., Talchabhadel, R., Panthi, J., Ghimire, G.R., Sharma, S., Khadka, P., Shin, S., Pokhrel, Y., Bhattarai, U., Prajapati, R., Thapa, B.R., and Maskey, R.K. 2022: Nepal Himalaya offers considerable potential for pumped storage hydropower. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments

[23] Ghimire, G.R., Hansen, C., Gangrade, S., Kao, S.C., Thornton, P., and Singh, D. 2022: Insights from Dayflow: A historical streamflow reanalysis dataset for the Conterminous United States. Water Resources Research

[22] Sharma, S., Ghimire, G.R., and Siddique, R. 2022: Machine Learning for Postprocessing Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts. Journal of Hydroinformatics

[21] Shrestha R., Rakhal, B., Adhikari, T.R., Ghimire, G.R., Talchabhadel, R., Tamang, D., KC, R., and Sharma, S. 2022: Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change and its Impacts on Agriculture. Hydrology9, 212.

[20] Hansen, C., Ghimire, G.R., and Kao, S.C. 2022: Evaluation of nominal energy storage at existing hydropower reservoirs in the US. Water Resources Research

[19] Sharma, S., Talchabhadel, R., Nepal, S., Ghimire, G.R., Rakhal, B., Panthi, J., Adhikari, B.R., Pradhanang, S.M., Maskey, S., and Kumar, S. 2022: Increasing risk of cascading hazards in the central Himalayas. Natural Hazards

[18] Ghimire, G. R., Krajewski, W.F., Ayalew, T.B., and Goska, R. 2022: Hydrologic investigations of radar-rainfall errors propagation to rainfall-runoff model hydrographs. Advances in Water Resources

[17] Sharma, S., Dahal, K., Nava, L., Gouli, M. R., Talchabhadel, R., Panthi, J., Roy, T., and Ghimire, G.R. 2022: Natural Hazards Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science Earth and Space Science (Featured as a Research Spotlight on AGU EOS issue

[16] Krajewski, W.F., Ghimire, G. R., Demir, I., and Mantilla, R. 2021: Real-time streamflow forecasting: AI vs. Hydrologic insights. Journal of Hydrology X

[15] Sharma, S., Ghimire, G.R., Talchabhadel, R., Panthi, J., Lee, B.S., Sun, F., Baniya, R., and Adhikari, T.R. 2021: Characterizing uncertainties surrounding fluvial flood hazard estimates using a Bayesian approach. Hydrologic Sciences Journal

[14] Ghimire, G. R., Jadidoleslam, N., Goska, R., and Krajewski, W.F. 2021: Insights into storm direction effect on flood response. Journal of Hydrology

[13] Panthi, J., Talchabhadel, R., Ghimire, G.R., Sharma, S., Dahal, P., Baniya, R., Boving, T., Pradhanang, S.M., and Parajuli, B. 2021: Hydrologic regionalization under data scarcity: An implication for streamflow prediction ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,

[12] Ghimire, G. R., Krajewski, W.F., and Quintero, F. 2021: Scale-dependent value of QPF for real-time streamflow forecasting. Journal of Hydrometeorology,

[11] Rakhal, B., Sharma, S., Ghimire, G.R., Adhikari, T.R., and Shrestha, R. Nepal’s communities brace for multihazard risks. EOS, 102,

[10] Talchabhadel, R., Ghimire, G.R., Sharma, S., Dahal, P., Panthi, J., Baniya, R., Pudashine, J., Thapa, B.R., PC, S., and Parajuli, B. 2020: Weather radar in Nepal: Opportunities and challenges in a mountainous region. Weather, 

[9] Talchabhadel, R., Panthi, J., Sharma, S., Ghimire, G.R., Baniya, R., Dahal, P., Baniya, M.P., K.C, S., Jha, B., Kaini, S., Dahal, K., Gnyawali, K.R., Parajuli, B., and Kumar, S. 2021: Insights on the impacts of hydroclimatic extremes and anthropogenic activities on sediment yield of a river basin Earth2(1), 32-50,

[8] Rakhal, B., Adhikari, T.R., Sharma, S., and Ghimire, G.R.2021: Assessment of channel shifting of Karnali Megafan in Nepal using remote sensing and GIS. Annals of GIS,

[7] Ghimire, G.R., DeVantier, B.A., and Sharma, S. 2020: Site-specific sediment deposition model for dredging planning: Case study of Olmstead locks and dam. ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Oceanic Engineering.

[6] Ghimire, G. R., Sharma, S., Panthi, J., Talchabhadel, R., Parajuli, B., Dahal, P., and Baniya, R. 2020: Benchmarking real-time streamflow forecasting skill in the Himalayan region. Forecasting, 2, 3, 230-247,

[5] Ghimire, G. R., and Krajewski, W. F. 2020: Hydrologic implications of wind farm effect on radar‐rainfall observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 47,

[4] Ghimire, G. R., Jadidoleslam, N., Krajewski, W.F., and Tsonis, A. A. 2020: Insights on streamflow predictability across scales using horizontal visibility graph-based networks. Frontiers in Water, 2, 17, 1-15, https://doi:10.3389/frwa.2020.00017

[3] Krajewski, W. F., Ghimire, G. R., and Quintero, F. 2020: Streamflow forecasting without models. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21, 1689-1704,

[2] Ghimire, G. R., and W. F. Krajewski, 2020: Exploring persistence in streamflow forecasting. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 56, 542–550,

[1] Ghimire, G.R., W.F. Krajewski, and R. Mantilla. 2018: A power law model for river flow velocity in Iowa basins. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1–13,